Level Up
Performance Coaching

What We Do!

Hey everyone, welcome to level up performance coaching. I would just like to start by thanking you for taking the time to visit our website, your support is appreciated.

Let me provide you with an outline about what it is we do here at Level up performance coaching. We have a panel of experts across multiple disciplines to help provide you with the highest quality coaching to drive you towards achieving Peak Performance. We work with anyone who has a desire to improve their performance within their athletic pursuits, chosen profession or personal lives. These include and are not limited to athletes (amateur & professional), coaches, parents of athletes, high performing businesses and businesspeople, actors/actresses, and teachers. 

Although such careers differ on the outset, the pressures and stressors of achieving Peak Performance for each endeavour remain the same and ultimately, the psychological skills required to caveat these pressures, remain consistent. We aim to give you the mental skills necessary to help aid your performance, cope with stress (in and out of work), create better relationships, and communicate more effectively. This will ultimately give you a better quality of life.

Mental Skills Include







The Benefits of Performance Coaching

The development of such skills and the premise of the coaching is to increase your self-awareness and emotional intelligence (EQ), two pre-cursors to self-actualisation. This is demonstrated in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and is recognised as the highest level of psychological development, where personal potential is fully realised after basic bodily and psychological needs have been fulfilled. Both skills are seen as huge pre-requisites to Peak Performance and positive life outcomes. 

In addition to our one2one support, we also offer group/team-based clinics that aim to improve interpersonal relationships, communication (active listening), implementation of coaching models, commitment towards a common goal and overall team cohesion.

Whether you’re a team leader, CEO or sports coach/manager our unique approach will help align your teams’ goals and create a culture of aspiration and togetherness, creating a congruent space designed to illicit peak performance outcomes, both individually and collectively.